Monday, February 10, 2020

Management of the Non-Profit Organizations Research Proposal

Management of the Non-Profit Organizations - Research Proposal Example NPOs, on the other hand, do not usually provide for substantial monetary compensation, since most, if not all, of its work force are volunteers. As such, workers are motivated more by their love and dedication to the mission of the organization and the cause for which it stands. Because of this fundamental difference, workers in NPOs cannot be persuaded to remain with the organisation and contribute their best by the usual means of increasing pay and monetary incentives. Although volunteers are drawn to the job because of the psychic income, such may not be sufficient to sustain the commitment of these volunteers in the long term, without the necessary and appropriate support and action by the human resources manager. The threats posed by the social and physical environment on the continued commitment of an NPO’s volunteer staff will remain a source of challenge to its HR managers, which this dissertation shall aim to explore. Introduction Not too long ago, there was a clear d ichotomy of organizations according to their nature and purpose. The common taxonomy of organizations distinguished them according to whether they were business corporations, organizations supporting philanthropic causes or social development purposes, or public administrative organizations. Business organizations worked to maximize profit, public administrative organizations advanced the goals of the government, and the social cause-oriented organizations worked towards the development of marginalized sectors of society. Recently, there has emerged a changing trend in how organizations are expected to operate. Business organizations can no longer be motivated by the single goal of realizing profits; it must actively pursue a corporate social responsibility program and sustainability program integrally with its main operations, in order to return to society a portion of its profits for the benefits it enjoys as corporate citizen. Non-profit organizations, on the other hand, are comp elled to face the necessity of operating on a self-sustaining basis; it can no longer rely on its previous sponsors and donors who had so generously supported it during more prosperous times, because of the deep financial crisis that will continue to defy recovery efforts for some time to come. Even as many business organizations have been forced to close, NPOs, because of their less financially tenable position, are forced to face economic realities and find ways and means to become financially self-sustaining. There are implications to the obscuring delineations between the types of organizations. Business organizations are becoming increasingly socially oriented, while NPOs are assuming activities that are increasingly economic. These affect the manner in which human resources are expected to perform and how they are engaged. Conceptual framework The term employee engagement may immediately be considered a misnomer in the sense that NPO workers are mostly volunteers rather than e mployees. As such, they are normally not bound by an employment contract where they commit to discharge a particular set of duties in exchange for a predefined monetary compensation. NPO workers perform their duties of their own accord and volition, and correspondingly excel in these duties out of a sense of dedication to further the cause of the organization. Granted that there exists already a greater affinity and identity

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