Monday, January 6, 2020

The Normal Range Of Bgl ( Blood Glucose Level ) Essay

Case Study Two Derek is a 57-year-old, diagnosed 2 years ago with insulin resistance diabetes. At the time, he had an extremely poor diet with a sedentary lifestyle, and he smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. He presents to you today on his wife’s insistence, complaining of fatigue and polyuria. Derek states, â€Å"I have followed your advice ‘to the letter’ and have reduced smoking to 5 cigarettes/day†. During his physical examination, you note: †¢ Weight 130kg (previous admission: 118kg) †¢ BP of 160/100 mmHg †¢ Pulse 88bpm (reg) †¢ BGL 16mmols/L †¢ Urinalysis; glucose present Question 1 What is the normal range of BGL (Blood Glucose Level)? (1 mark) The normal range of BGL for most of the healthy individuals when fasting is between 4.0 to 6.0 mmol/L and up to 7.8 mmol/L approximately 2 hours after eating (Morris 2014). Question 2 Explain the role of glucagon in approx. 25 words (2 marks) Glucagon signifies â€Å"the liver and muscles to turn glycogen into glucose and release glucose back into the bloodstream† (Morris 2014). The purpose of this is to prevent the blood glucose levels from reaching excessively low levels. Question 3 Explain the role of insulin in approx. 25 words (2 marks) Insulin signifies the liver, muscle and fat cells to take in glucose from the blood, which helps control blood glucose levels (Morris 2014). Insulin, therefore, makes cells permeable to glucose to be used for energy. Question 4 Differentiate the pathophysiology of Diabetes Type OneShow MoreRelatedThe Clinical Manifestations And Pathophysiology Of Type 1 Diabetes1404 Words   |  6 Pageshas presented to hospital with a history of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Grave’s disease. She has been unwell for 3 days with a viral illness so her father has brought her to the emergency department. 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